Top 15 Foods That Boost Your Brain And Memory

January 9, 2023

Let’s talk about the brain. That complex network in which more than 100,000 million neurons are interconnected and are indispensable to communicating, thinking, or simply existing. Not only our survival depends on the proper functioning of the brain, but also on our quality of life.

This amazing creation, unlike a computer, does not work by plugging it into an outlet to power it. It is vitally important to eat well so that the brain can receive, through the blood, all the nutrients it needs.

A good diet will help us enhance our ability to solve problems, cope with everyday life, and, above all, improve our memory. Below, we will make a list of foods that stimulate our brain and memory.

Foods that nourish the brain

Before we start with the list, let’s talk a little. What are the nutrients that stimulate the brain and memory? If we tried to bring together all the foods that are beneficial for the mind, we could put together at least three large groups of nutrients: fatty acids, minerals, and antioxidants.

Fatty acids

Lipids are responsible for a range of critical functions in all cells and are a fundamental component of the cell membrane. They are especially important in the brain because they allow the transmission of electrical signals between neurons.

In addition to this, fatty acids play a structural role in the brain. Apart from water, fats make up more than 50% of all brain parenchyma. That is why we can say that the brain is an organ with high-fat content.



Certain minerals are key to some of the most important functions of the brain, such as memory, or the correct exchange of nutrients with the blood capillaries.

The shortage of these nutrients can promote a degeneration that over the years can be serious. In the short term, you may experience memory lapses, difficulty concentrating, tiredness, or discouragement.

On the other hand, it has been shown that iron helps transport oxygen in the blood since it is one of the essential components of hemoglobin.



Due to the high degree of oxygen utilization, the high level of unsaturated fatty acids in its cell membrane, and relatively weak antioxidant defense mechanisms, the brain is especially susceptible to oxidation. Thus, the excessive accumulation of free radicals and lipid peroxidation products in the brain may be partly responsible for the pathogenesis of neurological disorders, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases.


Fortunately, there are biologically active compounds, called antioxidants, that can counteract this effect. They can be easily integrated into our diet and once absorbed into the blood and transported to the brain, antioxidants can prevent oxidative stress in brain cells. This is especially important since the adult brain virtually stops replacing dead or dying neurons.


Foods that stimulate the brain and memory

Now, without delay, let’s get to the point. Below, we will describe a series of 15 foods that can help us improve our memory and other important functions of the brain. Each of its characteristics and properties has been tested by science and has proven its benefits.

1. Avocado

Avocado is a fruit rich in healthy monounsaturated fats, which also has a high content of vitamin E. Scientific studies have shown that it can promote normal blood pressure levels and control inflammatory processes. Similarly, its high iron content improves cellular respiration by ensuring the transport of oxygen in the blood.

2. Oily fish

fish has a high amount of omega-3 and other essential fatty acids as well as being a good source of iron. Among its properties, we can highlight its ability to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

But that’s not all, fish is also a good source of phosphorus, a mineral that has been associated with improved memory. So if you are looking to stimulate your memory and your brain, do not stop eating fish.

3. Olive oil

If we had to mention an exceptional source of vegetable fats, we could not fail to mention the olive. This oil, like avocado and oily fish, is an excellent source of fatty acids and minerals such as iron. If you plan to make a salad, we recommend that you prefer olive oil over anything else.

4. Broccoli and green cabbage

Broccoli and green cabbage provide sulforaphane. This is an antioxidant that, in addition to having neuroprotective properties, also helps prevent cardiovascular diseases.

In addition, it has also been shown that this compound plays a very important role in the prevention of other diseases such as diabetes mellitus or some types of cancer.

5. Pork or beef liver

Although we must admit that these are not very popular foods, we feel compelled to suggest that you consider the idea of ​​including them in your diet.

Pork or beef liver has a high iron content, this will help keep your hemoglobin levels in order and, in turn, guarantee the transport of oxygen, both to the brain and to the rest of the organs.

6. Soy

And since we are talking about iron, we cannot fail to mention soy, another food with a high content of this mineral.

Another of its most important compounds is isoflavones, natural substances of plant origin that are found mainly in soybeans, and that restore damaged cells in the brain back to a healthy state.

7. Nuts

Without a doubt, nuts stand out when we talk about food for brain and memory nourishment because they are rich in certain minerals that are very beneficial for memory. In addition, nuts are rich in healthy fats that, as we already mentioned, are key in the transmission of nerve impulses as well as at the structural level of the brain parenchyma.

8. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are another food that we must consider when it comes to safeguarding our brain, as it contains a substance known as lycopene, which is an important ally when it comes to preventing heart or vascular diseases such as stroke or ictus.

This is because this substance is a powerful antioxidant that protects the capillary tissues that make up the brain and that will make us enjoy strong health in this part of our body.

9. Tea infusions

Infusions made with different types of tea, especially green tea, also have large amounts of antioxidants. Apart from being good for fighting excess weight, cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes mellitus, a study has shown that green tea improves our cognitive functions, specifically working memory, the one that involves the processes used for short-term memory and information manipulation.


10. Watermelon and strawberries

In general, almost all brightly colored fruits, like the ones mentioned above, are rich in carotenoids and anthocyanins, and also have wonderful antioxidant properties.

Carotenoids protect memory and concentration. Both compounds have antioxidant properties that help keep neurons in good condition, which helps preserve intellectual abilities such as verbal and visual memory or concentration.

11. Blueberries

Red and purple fruits are important sources of polyphenols. These substances help us fight oxidative stress.

The polyphenols and anthocyanins in blueberries not only enhance our memory and study performance but also help mitigate cognitive decline associated with age.

12. Eggs

In addition to being an extraordinary source of protein, egg yolks contain a high amount of choline. Choline is a fundamental substance in functions related to memory and the development of the fetal brain. In addition, eggs are also highly recommended for the prevention of heart and liver diseases.

13. Cocoa

Cocoa has theobromine known to be a powerful antioxidant. For this reason, the consumption of chocolate is recommended as long as it is black or has more than 70% cocoa. Its consumption helps increase blood flow to the brain, improving cognitive function and releasing endorphins, the hormones of happiness.

14. Yogurt (natural and without additives)

Some studies suggest that yogurt and dairy products, in addition to regulating intestinal flora, lead to a direct relationship between the bacteria in our intestine and the proper functioning of our brains.

15. Oatmeal

Oats promote control of sugar and cholesterol levels, two parameters that are undoubtedly essential for maintaining good brain health.

On the other hand, oatmeal is one of the foods richest in silica, thus helping to renew connective tissues. Its carbohydrates give energy and vitamin B1, which exerts a positive action on memory. Oatmeal also contains phosphorus, which is required for the formation of the brain and nervous system during youth.

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